Friday, November 13, 2015

It's been a while.

I'm really not sure what I have been so busy with.

We have gotten BIG NEWS since last time.

We Are Moving!!
Todd's next duty station is.... FORT HOOD, TEXAS!

In March we will be making the move to Killeen, Texas. I am excited because for some reason I have always wanted to be a southern belle. Not that I think that living there I will suddenly transform into this big haired, drawl speaking, homemaker in boots, but, who knows!

One thing I cannot wait for..
Waco is about an hour from where we will be living and is the home of my favorite HGTV show!
Fixer Upper! I am so excited to visit Magnolia Market at the new Silo location. 
(and in my dreams I become best friends with Joanna)

A few other notable things that have happened.

Home Sweet Home
We got this awesome chair!

We also received this beautiful coffee table and side tables.

In trying to to make our house feel like a home, we were in great need of furniture!
The tables were made locally in Sierra Vista and are amazing quality. I ordered them from a husband and wife and they delivered them a week and a half later! best purchase.

If you are looking for good quality furniture on a budget and don't mind putting in a little elbow grease, I have two words for you.

Seriously, amazing 400 dollars for this chair and ottoman that Todd and I can sit next to each other comfortably in. It comes like a jigsaw puzzle of wooden pieces, foam and fabric. You get to pick style of chair or full sectionals for 600$. You get to pick fabric, and then put it together.

We love it (obviously Skipper does)! and both pieces have storage inside them.

I have cooked a few good meals too!
During the last month I took part in the Whole30 diet.
I highly recommend it! I can honestly say it changed the way I think and feel about food.
During the 30 day period, you have to promise yourself to stay away from:
and Grains

Dairy, alcohol and legumes were pretty simple for me.
I'm slightly lactose intolerant so the only thing I really missed was cooking with butter.

I have a bit of a sweet tooth and love dessert and well, bread.
who doesn't love bread!

The first day was easy. Day two was pretty good too!
Days 3-6 I had a huge migraine and I was SUPER TIRED.
Craving all sugars.
My lovely neighbor and friend started with me and she had completed it before.
I texted her that I wanted potatoes and she told me I could!

Anytime I get a migraine the only thing I can ever really keep down is mashed potatoes!
Whole30 doesn't suggest eating a ton of potatoes, but they are allowed!

After that it was pretty much smooth sailing.
It's a good thing I love to cook because I had to get out of my decadant comfort food zone.

It was a lot of veggie and meat combos. This meal was our favorite though!

Pecan crusted salmon with cauliflower mash and asparagus!

This is a Super yummy treat!
I wasn't in love with the cauliflower mash, but Todd loved it!

I lost 7lbs on Whole30 and gained a new outlook on food.
I now know sugar and preservatives trigger my headaches and grains and dairy really mess with my stomach.

Although agonizing at times and sometimes a little boring. I can honestly say it was an amazing experience! If you are looking for a way to kickstart your health. This is it!


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