Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Snakes and Suppers

Well, Ok.. it was just one snake. A HUGE snake!
                   A few weeks ago I was getting ready to got to my favorite place. TARGET. Like I usually do before leave, I let Skipper out to go to the bathroom. On a normal day I would have walked away and let her do her business. I am so glad it was not a "normal" day. For some reason I was in a hurry to get out the door, so I opened the slider to our little back yard and stood there to make sure Skipper relieved herself. Ten seconds later, Skipper sniffing around to find the perfect spot, sniffed right up to a diamondback rattlesnake. Until it coiled up and shook that tail, neither of us saw it in our tan gravel yard. My heart stopped when that snake did some warning lunges right at Skip. I screamed, she freezed, I screamed some more, and she ran to me in fear that she did something wrong. 

I called animal control and then waited around for 30 minutes while this giant, menacingly slithered around our yard.

The hero animal control officer informed me this was the biggest snake he had ever caught. He is now living in the desert somewhere far from my home and I hope to NEVER run into him again.

I have truly embraced this part of my housewife duties.

Every week I dig through Pinterest and all the 2398 food pins I have to create a menu for weeks dinners. I lean toward culturally diverse foods because Sierra Vista doesn't have much to offer.

Sometimes I tackle the most complicated but all three of these were easy and delicious!

This was delicious. One of the things I love about broccoli beef is the caramelized crispy bits and this definitely satisfies that craving. Super easy recipe!

I am in love with the rice maker my grandmother gave me. It is probably over 30 years old but it is one of my favorite kitchen accessories!

I highly suggest getting a rice cooker. It means you have one less thing to worry about. Put the rice in, the water, and whatever seasonings you desire and turn it on. Walk away and go on with the rest of your dinner prep. It dings when it's done, and its perfect every time!

I love anything that includes peanut sauce!

This was by far the easiest dinner I have made in a very long time!

I added avocado to my fresh rolls, because lets face it, everything is better with avocado.

Also, the more mint the merrier! 

Todd and I love love love Indian food. On our first date he took me to an amazing little Indian restaurant in Lacey, Wa that is a must try if you are ever in the area. 

I was so surprised at how simple this was! Delicious!
 and the naan was amazing.

The last time I made masala I didn't make naan, and now, I will never make one without the other. The naan was so simple that I don't know why anyone would buy naan.

This masala recipe calls for a 24oz can of diced tomatoes. I used a 12oz tomato sauce and a 12oz diced tomato can. I like my masala a little smoother. I also used more like 2tbsp of garam masala spice. It might just be the spice I have but, with three scoops it would have had too much of a nutmeg flavor.

I hope you enjoy!

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