Thursday, August 20, 2015

Washington to Arizona Again! (with a few pit stops in between)

After a month in the sunny state of Arizona I flew back to Washington for another goodbye, to go to Watershed, and to have a roadtrip back to Arizona with my mom!

 The flight in was gorgeous, even made me tear up a bit.
Washington will always be home.

A day later I went on an adventure with some pretty awesome people!

Watershed 2015 

Three days of hot sun, a cool river, beer, amazing friends and some awesome music!

I survived my first Watershed but my so called "waterproof" phone didn't survive an accidental swim in the Colombia River. 

It was a long two weeks
The next leg of the adventure  was with my mom!

1st stop Oregon coast

Next, we stayed in Eureka, CA and had the best creole food I have ever! 
It was a darling little place called Bless My Soul cafe. I still cant stop thinking about the Sticky Love chicken and greens. If you are ever in Humbolt, it's a must.

  Through the trees and the Vineyards to San Francisco we went!

In San Fran we stayed at this adorable boutique hotel called the Inn at The Opera House
we ate Lebanese food, rode the streetcars, went to China Town, and drove by Mrs. Doubtfire's house and over the Golden Gate Bridge.

From San Fran to VEGAS!!

What's Vegas without Diva's!? We took in a show and had a late night dinner at Guy Fieri's Restaurant.
Sooo Good!

And I played 7$ in slots and won $9.20

I left VEGAS 2$ richer!

Then we surprised Todd by coming home a day sooner than he expected.

We had an amazing trip with only a few traffic jams and a bunch of amazing restaurants.

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