Sunday, July 19, 2015

And So It Goes..

Well, to start, I am a small town girl born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. I believe my unique upbringing shaped who  I am and how I view the world.
With a father who loves all things random, especially in his food, I learned to develop a zest for cooking and not being affraid to explore new things. He is a free spirit and loves any adventure, especially the one you never thought exsted.

My mother is one of the hardest workers I have ever met and when she sets herself a goal she always succeeds. I think it was her passion for success that fueled my curiosity to know and love all the things and individuals around me.

In the summer before my Senior year in college I met my love, my husband. Two years later we were married! Now we are on the next big adventure in our lives. He is attending an Army Captain Career course which is the next step in furthering his career. With that, we had to leave our beloved PNW and head to the Southwest, Arizona.

With this blog I hope to cronicle our journies and experiences in this amazing and precious life.

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