Friday, July 24, 2015

Our Big Road Trip!

Leaving Washington was bittersweet.
Leaving my home and family and friends and the place I grew up was hard.
Leaving the PNW also means starting our lives together as Husband and Wife. Being our first time living together alone in a home that is all ours is so exciting!

To get to our new home we took a pretty COOL road trip.

Washington to Arizona

We left Washington on the 5th of July 
We got to spend the 4th at the best place in the world to watch fireworks and celebrate our independence.

Lake Joy

The next morning our trip began

Astoria, OR

Newport, OR

We spent our first night in Newport and then in the morning we headed down to the beach so that Skipper could say farewell to the Pacific Ocean.

We stopped in..

While in Idaho we got to stop in Craters of the Moon National Park.
I would highly recommend this! Seriously, and amazing sight to see.
You are driving along, looking out the window, and all of a sudden it looks like someone came and just started dumping loads and loads of fresh asphalt everywhere for as far as you can see. 
This is a hill about .5miles up and it felt like walking on the moon



Logan, UT
My mom was a resident director at the college in Logan. It's kind of neat to explore not only the places of your past, but the places that made your family who they are.
 and then on to Bryce Canyon
The pictures don't do it justice.
this place was amazing!

Then we finally crossed into ARIZONA!
The last park we visited was the Petrified Forest

I had been here before when I was very young, with my dad. We used to take a trip every year to AZ to go to the gem show. Those trips were a lot more rugged than this one and definitely something i treasure.

After six long days on the road we arrived in our new hometown for the  next 6 months.

I am flying home next week to go to Watershed with my favorite people and then I get to do it all again with my mom and my car!


Sunday, July 19, 2015

And So It Goes..

Well, to start, I am a small town girl born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. I believe my unique upbringing shaped who  I am and how I view the world.
With a father who loves all things random, especially in his food, I learned to develop a zest for cooking and not being affraid to explore new things. He is a free spirit and loves any adventure, especially the one you never thought exsted.

My mother is one of the hardest workers I have ever met and when she sets herself a goal she always succeeds. I think it was her passion for success that fueled my curiosity to know and love all the things and individuals around me.

In the summer before my Senior year in college I met my love, my husband. Two years later we were married! Now we are on the next big adventure in our lives. He is attending an Army Captain Career course which is the next step in furthering his career. With that, we had to leave our beloved PNW and head to the Southwest, Arizona.

With this blog I hope to cronicle our journies and experiences in this amazing and precious life.