Sunday, February 12, 2017

New Year, New Adventures.

 Well, it's a new year and new things are surely on the horizon for Todd and I. We have been in Texas for just shy of a year now, which means we have been homeowners for a year! Time flys!

When I say "new" things are on the horizon I actually mean not so new, just same ol' army stuff.
Todd is about to embark on his third deployment. Which means I am about to conquer my second time supporting this lovely brave man from this side of the world. Time will fly as it always does. So as this will be hard on both of us we'll get through it!

I saw this quote on pinterest the other day and it really resonated with me.

Please let there be! They will let me have the options to choose from soon! I already like the sound of some of these potential positions! Woohoo!:  
I am writing this here to hold myself accountable, and for ya'll to keep me accountable over these next nine months. I am committing to myself to become a better, more healthy and happy person. I am not going to let the separation of this deployment bring me down. I am going to use it told hold me accountable. My goal to become healthier, for me is to lose 50 pounds.

and ultimately become the best me I can be. 

I have always believed that the meaning of life is to live it and I want to be able to live it to the fullest! 

I feel anxious about sharing this because I feel terrible about neglecting my health, but I think that sharing this will help me keep myself accountable.
I hope to use this blog throughout this deployment to update ya'll (i can say that now, I live in Texas) on my progress, both my gains and losses. 
Emotionally, deployments just suck. That's the only word I can use to describe it. Suck.

So no matter how much suck there is, we are gunna suck it up and get through it! The last time Todd deployed we read a book together, we each had copies on our sides of the world, that way it felt like we were connected through more than just the internet. 
This time because I am committing to this goal, we will be together metaphysically through monthly workout challenges. You know, 30 day abs, 30 day plank challenge, that sort of thing. That way he can keep me accountable too!
Not only is writing this goal down helping to keep me accountable, but I want you to keep me accountable, or just reach out to me to check in, I would love to re connect with all of you. Especially because I will have a lot of free/ alone time during this deployment!

I'm serious! Even if we haven't seen eachother in years, shoot me a message, or if you need someone to talk to, please don't hesitate. because like I said Deployments suck.

Please come on this new adventure with me through deployment and onto a healthier better me.